Japandi as a word is the union of Japanese and Scandi (Scandinavian). Scandinavia geographically includes Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The word origin dates back to a time when Danish designers were allowed to travel to Japan - a border which had long been closed for hundreds of years.

Japandi emerged as a design style built on the philosophies of Wabi-Sabi from Japan, and Hygge from Denmark. Combining these philosophies created the Japandi fundamentals; embrace minimalism, nature, comfort and neutral colors.

Japandi Interior Design

Photo Credits: bike / bedroom

The Japandi interior design style is immediately calming, inspires deep breathes and smiles. These feelings help alleviate stress, depression, and anxiety - having a calming, uplifting effect.

What do Japandi spaces look like?

Japandi interior spaces can include new, reclaimed, handmade and original pieces. Japandi furniture and accessories are made of naturally-aging materials such as wood, natural stone and living finish metals (patinas). Wear and tear and imperfections are embraced. Japandi rooms have a layered, neutral color palette and use black minimally as an accent color. Japandi home goods include soft layers, natural materials, minimal and timeless designs meant-to-last. Nature is incorporated with natural light, plants and materials.

Those same feelings the Japandi interior design style evokes can be carried into your daily life by living a Japandi lifestyle. First let's explore the philosophies.

Japandi Philosophies

Japandi is based on Wabi-Sabi from Japan, and Hygge from Denmark.


Japan | Wabi-Sabi

Wabi-sabi, as summarized by Richard Powell, nurtures all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities:
~ nothing lasts,
~ nothing is finished,
~ nothing is perfect.

Wabi-sabi is often condensed to "wisdom in natural simplicity."

wabi originally referred to the loneliness of living in nature, remote from society;
sabi meant "chill", "lean" or "withered".

Around the 14th century, these meanings began to change, taking on more positive connotations.

After centuries of incorporating Buddhist and Chinese influences wabi-sabi evolved into distinctly Japanese.

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Wabi-Sabi Fundamentals

  • Celebrate Imperfection

    Embrace the beauty of imperfections, nothing is perfect.

  • Embrace Wear-and-Tear

    Materials age over time becoming more interesting.

  • Natural Simplicity

    The wisdom in natural simplicity and appreciating the most basic.

  • Natural Materials

    Seek out durability, sustainability, circularity. Respect natural materials and spaces.

  • Change in Thought

    Embrace the idea of less, minimalism, celebrating wear-and-tear, imperfections and nature's beauty.

  • Mental Health Benefits

    Promotes feelings of calmness and serenity. Reduces perfectionist thinking, stress, depression and anxiety.

Wabi-sabi Inspiration

clay pot and wall hanging celebrating wear & tear
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beauty of nature's imperfections, closeup
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Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, nothing is perfect, nature scene
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Denmark | Hygge

Hygge is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a mood of coziness and "comfortable conviviality" with feelings of wellness and contentment.

Hygge has more or less the same meaning in both places and in both languages.

Emphasis on hygge as a core part of Danish culture is a recent phenomenon, dating to the late 20th century.

For the Danish it has become an important part of their culture while in Norway “hygge” is just a word like “cozy”. Hygge (the noun) refers to a psychological state including something nice, cozy, safe and known.

Winter and Autumn are typically the seasons assciated with hygge, but moments of hygge can happen all year, including spring and summer.

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Hygge Fundamentals

  • Enjoy the Moment

    So many of us rush through our busy days moving from one activity to the next. Try to be present in the moment and take enjoyment.

  • Change in Thought

    Embrace the idea of enjoying the moment, valuing everyday experiences, everyday togetherness, feeling safe, personal wholeness and seeking comfort.

  • Mental Health Benefits

    Promotes wellbeing and happiness as studied by the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen.

Hygge Inspiration

comfortably seating
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table with flowers and sun
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Japandi Fundamentals

When combining the philosophies of wabi-sabi and hygge there are fundamentals that arise as the basis for Japandi. There are many aspects to Japandi design and lifestyle, but after much research these can be narrowed to four primary fundamentals; minimalism, nature, comfort and neutrals. Let's explore these.

Minimalism & Simplicity

Minimalism in reference to Japandi is the use of the simplest and fewest elements (furniture, décor) to achieve the maximum effect – a calming one. Minimalism in the Japandi lifestyle refers to getting rid of clutter and distractions, instead focusing on the essentials and what matters most in your life.

Instead of many, focus on essentials, the idea of less and meant-for-longer.

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  • Wisdom in Simplicity
  • Timeless Functional Design
  • Embrace the Idea of Less
  • Embrace Wear-and-Tear
  • Durability, Sustainability, Circularity
neutral colors shown with coffee

Neutral Color Palette

Japandi uses a neutral color palette to create calm, serene spaces. Layering neutral shades with your furniture, walls, floors, fixtures, décor and textiles creates open, calming interiors. Japandi lifestyle apparel utilizes neutral, layered pieces to create a simple, modular wardrobe.

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  • Neutral Colors in Interiors
  • Neutral Colors in Lifestyle Products
  • Japandi Palette includes Greenery from Nature
  • Neutrals Alleviate Stress, Anxiety and Depression
  • Easy to Interchange Extending Product Lifecylces
  • Neutrals are Timeless
Person Comfortable on Couch

Cozy & Comfortable

Japandi embraces Hygge with a focus on seeking comfort - through materials, environment, design, enjoying the moment, and creating feelings of happiness and contentment.

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  • Enjoy the Moment
  • Feelings of Happiness, Safety and Content
  • Enjoy Personal Wholeness and Wellbeing
  • Seek Comfort through Materials, Design and Environment
Closeup of Plant

Embrace Nature

Japandi embraces not only sustainability and natural materials, but also the imperfections in nature and life itself. Natural wear-and-tear, rough surfaces, patina and greenery are all beautifully Japandi. Japandi furniture is built from long-lasting real wood and metal, so it can move as you do (or recirculated to a new home) instead of ending up in a landfill.

Japandi interiors include plants that boost your emotional and mental health.

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  • Include Plants Indoors ; Enjoy Nature Outdoors
  • Celebrate Beauty in Nature's Imperfections
  • Respect Nature's Materials and Wear-and-Tear
  • Seek out Durablity, Sustainability and Circularity
  • Use Natural Lighting
Shop Planters & pots

Japandi is more than an interior design style; it's a way of life promoting calmness, serenity, mental health and well-being.

Japandi Supply House is dedicated to calm, serene living. Japandi inspires deep breathes and peaceful feelings. We curate the thoughtfully designed, harder-to-find, next level cozy in Japandi lifestyle and home.

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