Le Feu

What kind of fuel should you use?
Any brand of bio ethanol for ventless fireplaces between 95-98%
Frequently Asked Questions
This depends on the model. However, with 20-30 minutes of preheating, you can ensure your oven is ready to bake delicious pizzas – and quickly!
In a pizza oven heated to 350-450°C, the pizza bakes in about 60-90 seconds. This depends on the temperature and the thickness of the pizza, but generally, you should keep a close eye on it as the baking time is very short.
Pizza ovens should be placed outdoors on a fireproof surface and away from flammable materials such as wooden fences or buildings. Ensure there is good ventilation and that the oven is positioned securely.
To achieve a perfectly crispy pizza crust, it's important that the oven is sufficiently hot (ideally 350-450 °C) and that the pizza dough is thin. Also, avoid overly wet toppings.

Le Feu
Gas Pizza Oven in Exclusive Design
All Le Feu products are characterized by their organic shapes, inspired by the nature around us.
Le Feu calls their pizza oven "Turtle," and the name refers to its shape, reminiscent of a turtle. The black powder-coated shield combined with soap-treated oak legs and limestone create a streamlined and minimalist design that truly enhances any terrace.
Their garden pizza oven is as effective as it is beautiful. The Turtle gas pizza oven is equipped with a burner that heats up to the optimal temperature for baking pizzas in 60-120 seconds. Once the pizza oven is heated, the heat is retained longer in the oven thanks to an additional heat-insulating layer placed in the oven's top. This ensures optimal heat circulation and contributes to both the crust and toppings being cooked to perfection.
The combination of the unique and efficient design makes Le Feu pizza ovens stand out from others on the market.

What is Bio Ethanol?
What is Bioethanol? A question that a lot of us think about. In the past years bioethanol has become more and more known around the Globe due to its spreading purpose in use of biofireplaces, but what it is exactly? And how is it made? Simply put bioethanol is type of strong alcohol. It is being produced almost the way as other spirits Todays bioethanol that you use in your biofireplace is made from excess organic waste mostly from agriculture.