Transform Your Space: Create a Calming Interior with Japandi Room Dividers
home, sanctuary;
a place we feel safe, loved and at peace. all living creatures deserve a home, a sanctuary. 😌🌱💕

Racing thoughts
We live in a fast-paced society driven by a strong collective urge to efficiency, where answers are wanted now. This leads to “always-on minds” anticipating the next thing to come.
The continuous flow of racing thoughts with often repetitive thought patterns result in stress, anxiety and even insomnia.
So many of us are stretched to un-imagineable lengths to make it through the day. We need a reset.
To combat this, we can create a sanctuary at home to unwind and disconnect. A sanctuary to disrupt the input of the chaotic outside world.
Let's take a breath and remember to care for yourself, be gentle with yourself, to love yourself and your family. To love this beautiful planet and the gift of life.
Beautiful image / @anniespratt

The healing effect of nature & patterns 😌🌱💕
Studies have shown that spending time in nature reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, improves moods and even increases our health.
Nature is full of geometric repetitive patterns like tessellations, fractals and line patterns. Patterns repeat in nature due to chemical interactions, laws of nature (e.g. natural selection), and laws of physics (e.g. interaction of energy and matter). We can learn a lot from nature and adopt patterns into peaceful interior designs to calm our minds.

Design Fundamentals
The effect of visual patterns on how we feel, think and behave has been carefully studied by neuroscientists. Symmetry, complexity, Lines and Balance are design fundamentals that influence human thoughts and behavior.
Photo by Lieselot. Dalle on Unsplash

Lines, Complexity, Symmetry and Balance
For example, upward diagonal lines are related to a person’s mind with higher activity levels, whereas descending diagonal lines are associated with relaxation of the mind.
Visual complexity is another important driver of human experience and has an impact on cognitive performance. A moderate complexity in patterns around us is optimal for our mental and physical well-being. If the amount of information about our surroundings, including our interior, is of high complexity, our energy level increases.
By adding symmetry to designs complexity reduces and is found more appealing to humans.
Like in nature everything is about balance, rhythm and harmony ever evolving to infinity as one and the same substance.

Repetitive patterns to reduce stress
Ironically enough, repetitive visuals patterns (adopted from nature) can reduce repetitive thoughts and contribute to stress reduction. Of course the best remedy for stress reduction is to go out and be surrounded by nature.
But due to urbanization and other social behavioral changes we spend 70-90% of our time indoors.
So, if we spend most of our time between walls, why not surround ourselves with interiors that breathe nature and contribute to calming the mind and relaxation? 😌🌱💕

Create your own Japandi sanctuary 😌🌱💕
U.S. Exclusive
Japandi Room Dividers
Ginza "銀座" refers to the seat of the shogunate's silver guild that minted silver coins in Edo (former Tokyo). Modern Ginza is the world's most luxurious district in Tokyo.
Ginza Lines is a modern Dutch furniture brand inspired by traditional and modern Japan. Their design begins where time fades and spaces appear through lines of infinite possibilities.
Ginza Lines was founded in 2023 and is the result of creative "round energy" and "straight line" thinking.
It is inspired by the many contradictions in contemporary Japan, where modern, abstract and high-tech expressions "live together" with age-old tradition and style, while at the same time seamlessly merging with "what is".

Ginza Lines is a modern Dutch furniture brand that embeds these design fundamentals in its products to calm the mind.😌🌱
Each Room Divider has its own unique story with its roots in Japan’s capital city Tokyo, combining ancient Japanese traditions with contemporary elements.
The Room Dividers provide endless possibilities in redefining and shaping spaces in a subtle way by seamlessly fitting in, whether it's for residentials living spaces, offices, retail or restaurants.
Shinjuku Room DividerShinjuku Room Divider
- Regular price
$2,250.00 - Regular price
- Sale price
Shibuya Room DividerShibuya Room Divider
- Regular price
$2,250.00 - Regular price
- Sale price
Higashi Room DividerHigashi Room Divider
- Regular price
$2,250.00 - Regular price
- Sale price
Japandi Room Dividers by Ginza Lines
Japandi helps calm down humans & the planet with conscious living focused on minimalism, nature, neutrals & comfort. 😌🌱💕
Japandi Supply House is dedicated to calm, serene living. Our mission is to help calm down humans and the planet with conscious living embracing minimalism, nature, neutrals & comfort.
Japandi inspires deep breathes and peaceful feelings. Japandi Supply House features thoughtfully designed, harder-to-find, next level cozy in All Things Japandi.
#japandisupplyhouse @japandisupplyhouse

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Elevate your time with exquisite soundscapes and compositions. Join us in celebrating talented modern classical musicians on KEXP. Start your day on a soothing and meditative note.
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