How It Works

  • Create an account and earn 200 Smiles.

    Create an account and earn 200 Smiles.

  • Earn Smiles everytime you shop.

    Earn Smiles everytime you shop.

  • Redeem Smiles for $$ off or free gifts

    Redeem Smiles for $$ off or free gifts

Ways to Earn Points


200 Smiles

Place an Order

200 Smiles

Follow on Instagram

200 Smiles

Share on Facebook

200 Smiles

Celebrate Birthday

500 Smiles


What is Japandi Insider?

Japandi Insider is a free membership program to reward loyal Japandi Supply House customers. Earn smiles, receive exclusive offers, rewards and enjoy priority access to new products. Smiles determine eligibility for benefits and rewards.

How do I Join?

Japandi Insider is free to join! Create an account to keep track of your smiles and unlock members-only benefits. If you already have an account with Japandi Supply House, sign in to see your Japandi Insider benefits.

Do My Smiles Expire?

Smiles do not expire for active Japandi Supply House shoppers!